terça-feira, maio 23, 2006

Nuno Gomes e Petit já começam a espalhar magia...

"LISBON (AFP) - Officials in Portugal are investigating Benfica duo Armando Petit and Nuno Gomes after they were seen in a television report taking what appeared to be counterfeit films to a World Cup training camp.
A senior inspector with the culture ministry's Inspectorate-General for Cultural Activities (IGAC), which oversees the fight against music and movie piracy, told 24Horas the body would take action if justified despite the approaching football finals.
"We are investigating the situation in juridical terms. Only after this is completed can we act. But if we have to act, we will act," Julio Araujo Melo said Tuesday.
Striker Gomes told private television SIC in a report broadcast Friday that he had brought several movies to the training camp held in Evora, some 150 kilometres (90 miles) southeast of Lisbon, including "Basic Instinct II" and "Mission: Impossible III". Both movies have yet to be released on DVD.
Midfielder Petit meanwhile opened the trunk of his car to show the movies he was taking to the camp and a copy of "The Producers", which also has not been released on DVD, could be seen among other unidentifiable films.
Under Portuguese law the manufacture and use of counterfeit movies or music can be punished with a prison sentence of up to three years but in most cases judges issue guilty parties fines.
Portuguese police seized a record 155,941 pirated CDs and DVDs last year following a rise in inspections and charged 450 people with crimes related to their sale and distribution, according to IGAC figures.
The widespread availability of pirated movies in Portugal is blamed for declining ticket sales at theatres, the closure of dozens of movie rental stores and a loss of millions of euros in tax revenues."


Blogger Unknown said...

Acho que não lhes vai acontecer nada porque deve haver uma atenuante para gajos burros como os jogadores de futebol.

10:59 da tarde  
Blogger Unknown said...

Mais piada tinha se o pétit tivesse escondido um gajo todo ensanguentado no porta-bagagens, ou o nuno gomes tivesse um vibrador na mala que levou para o estágio da selecção e mostrassem isso em directo na tv.

11:04 da tarde  
Blogger Unknown said...

Ai, ai! Tão bem que o pétit teria feito de joe pesci na primeira cena do goodfellas... (What the fuck? Pull over. He's still alive. You piece of shit! Die, you motherfucker! Look at me!)

11:11 da tarde  
Blogger sandroga said...

O Armando e o Nuno (à Toni) deram foi uma de burros. Eu cá pra mim iam montar um estaminézinho do DVD pirata na alemanha. O Nuno agora até inventou uma lesão para ficar com mais tempo livre. O Luís (Boa Morte) idem. Esta história toda é muito estranha. Acho que o Scolari e a própria selecção estão metidos nisto, os mesmos gajos da última vez (só como foi cá tratava-se de importações), eliminam a concorrência (Quaresma), e agora estao no mercado das exportações. Será que o Armando precisa de tantos DVDs?

3:06 da tarde  

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